
Presentation Night Booklet 2023 

There should be about 10 years worth in the booklet below under Records & Awards.

Note all care was taken with spelling of names, so apologies in advance if any errors made, send a kindly note and we can fix if you see an error. This is a snapshot of awards that were achieved in 2023, World Cups / National events we kept to a minimum as these have been well documented through facebook & Archery Australia.

It is our aim over the next month or two to put the trophy / criteria and honour roll on the website, however, this will take time.

Archery NSW State Presentation Night 2024

Great summary video by Simon Mei.

What a great night and wonderful to see everyone in their beautiful outfits at Balgowlah RSL. Congratulations to the award recipients, to recognise the members’ achievements in 2023.

Striking the Right Balance: Navigating School, Sports, and Commitments for Aussie Kids

In the fast-paced world of Australian youth sports, striking a balance between academics, athletic pursuits, and other commitments can be a challenging juggling act for both kids and their parents. With the increasing emphasis on holistic development, finding the right equilibrium has become crucial for fostering well-rounded individuals.

For Aussie youngsters passionate about sports, the commitment to training and competitions often collides with the demands of school life. Balancing academic responsibilities with the physical and mental demands of sports can be overwhelming, and finding the right strategy is imperative.

Parents play a pivotal role in helping their kids navigate these challenges. It’s essential for them to understand the importance of maintaining a healthy equilibrium between education and sports. Encouraging effective time management and open communication can foster a supportive environment.

Strategies for Success

Establish a Schedule:
Creating a well-structured daily or weekly schedule that includes dedicated time for both academics and sports ensures that neither aspect is neglected. Prioritise tasks and allocate specific time slots for homework, training, and downtime.

Foster Time Management Skills:
Teach kids the importance of effective time management. Encourage them to set realistic goals, prioritise tasks, and understand that completing assignments ahead of time allows for a smoother integration of sports and academics.

Open Communication Channels:
Establishing open lines of communication between parents, teachers, and coaches is essential. This ensures everyone is on the same page regarding a child’s commitments and allows for adjustments when necessary.

Encourage Breaks and Downtime:
It’s crucial to strike a balance between academics and sports without sacrificing much-needed downtime. Adequate rest is vital for both physical and mental well-being. Parents should be vigilant about avoiding burnout.

Set Realistic Goals:
Help kids set achievable goals both in academics and sports. This not only provides motivation but also instills a sense of accomplishment when goals are met.

Several Aussie families have successfully navigated the challenges of balancing school and sports commitments. The key, they say, lies in finding a rhythm that works for both the child and the family.

Achieving balance between school, sports, and other commitments is an ongoing process that requires collaboration between parents, teachers, and coaches. In Australia, where sports are deeply ingrained in the culture, fostering this balance ensures that young athletes not only excel on the field but also thrive academically and personally. With the right strategies in place, Aussie kids can continue to chase their dreams, both in the classroom and on the playing field.


Update from the High Performance Pathways Manager

If anyone has any questions about this program or any pathways related issues, Robert can answer these directly on [email protected].

Archery Australia new Pathways program was recently released in the latest AA newsletter. The NPS (National Pathways Squad) is the next phase of our pathways work and follows on from the work of our previous P24 programs. The NPS focusses on developing young athletes in the Recurve realm and a wider age range in Para space, who are aiming towards the 2028 and 2032 Games (Olympic and Paralympics).

The closing date of the first intake is 27th of January.

NPS program guidelines and EOI form.

Article on NPS.

2024 – Youth Series Competition What you need to know!

Attention All Youth Members.  ArcheryNSW has put as much information as we can about the Youth Series Event for 2024 in our first newsletter to you.  This does not mean that you cannot shoot other tournaments on the Society Calendar, but we thought we would entice you to compete in your own Youth Series Events.

12- 14 January – Armidale Archers (Which peg would your age group shoot from?).

Day 1 Development Day, coaching with Dennis Carson followed by BBQ Dinner.

Day 2 24T marked field course.

Day 3 24T marked field Course. Final day of competition

18 February –Coast Archers, Erina
This has become one of the coolest events on the calendar and has something to offer for everyone!
WA 60/900, Short Canberra, Junior Canberra, Mini Canberra (Which round would you shoot)
BBQ lunch included for archers!

18 May – Newcastle City Archers

720 Ranking Round +Matchplay, remember to check your tournament & shooting rules as to what round you would shoot for your age group!

22nd June – Penrith City Archers

Youth Indoor – the distance for this is 18m on 40cm face. Have you ever practised this at your club? as the State & National Titles are held in July annually.

2 November – Warringah Archers
This is an iconic event. 90 Arrows, 20 metres – it is a challenge for the best of the best to get 900 and allows for newcomers to take part in a relaxed environment!

Archers can gain an All-Gold Range if a bracket of 5 ends scores 9/10 or ’x’, then the next step is to achieve an All Round Award, where all your arrows for the whole round (15 ends) are either in the 9/10 or ‘x’.  Any archer that gains 900 out of 900 also receive a Cash Incentive.

At the conclusion of this event, we have an elimination shoot. 

9th November – Troy Adams Oval, PCA, Werrington

Shoot some arrows in the air, hang out with your friends for a big BBQ lunch and have a great day out!

Have you ever tried clout? or are you a seasoned clout archer?  Come along to this event and let some of our mingle and show how shooting Clout works.  Again, know what distance you would be required to shoot for your age group & equipment!

Who can take part: All youth archers must be financial members of Archery Australia/ArcheryNSW for each event.

The series is open to all youths and bow divisions:

Under 14 (U14) (Male, Female)- Athletes born in the year 2010 or since 2010 – An athlete may compete in the U14 class in tournaments until December 31 of the year of his or her 13th birthday.

Under 16 (U16) (Male, Female) – Athletes born in the years 2008 or 2009 –An athlete may compete in the U16 class in tournaments until December 31 of the year of his or her 15th birthday.

Under 18 (U18) (Male, Female) (Para, VI 1, VI 2/VI 3, Para W1)- Athletes born in the years 2007 or 2006
An athlete may compete in the U18 class in tournaments until December 31 of the year of his or her 17th birthday.

Under 21 (U21) (Male, Female) (Para, VI 1, VI 2/VI 3, Para W1)- Athletes born in the years 2003, 2004 or 2005 – An athlete may compete in the U21 class in tournaments until December 31 of the year of his or her 20th birthday.

Archers from other states may participate in the events but will not be eligible to win a trophy. Only NSW Youth Archers are eligible to win a trophy.

Scoring: Each event will be a standalone whereby the actual score will count. Organisers of these events may or may not issue medals or prizes.

You do not have to attend each event, but you will stand a better chance of a final placing if you do.

For the series, handicapped scores will count based on your‘floating handicap’ from Archer’s Diary. It will be handicapped scores that will determine placings. For the purpose of the Youth Spirit Event, Handicaps will be based Outdoor Target Archery, not Field because a number of youth archers do not have a separate rating for field archery.

      Archers will need to have a base rating to qualify for scoring in the series which is based the best scores from three previous target rounds. Should an archer not have previously competed in at least three target rounds with scores recorded in Archer’s Diary, then the series organisers reserve the right to adjust the archer’s handicap to keep the competition fair.

      The series results will not be per age class, but the overall attendance. The handicap system allows for an archer with a lower rating to compete against an archer with a higher rating and will even the scores up.

      For the Youth Spirit Event, it will be the combined handicap scores from the two days that will determine the placings.

Points for each event will be awarded to the top 20 positions, with 20 points given to 1st place:

1st 20 points                      2nd 19 points
3rd 18 points                     4th 17 points
5th 16 points                     6th 15 points
19th 2 points                     20th 1 point
21st 0 points

Over the four events, the points will accumulate as they are added together. So, say an archer places 3rd in event 1, 6th in event 2, 1st in event 3 and 19th in event 4, they will accumulate 55 points overall.

There will be two perpetual trophies awarded at the end of the series: 1st Place Compound and 1st place Recurve.

In 2022, the Compound Trophy was won by Alban Thornycroft (Coast Archers) with the Recurve Trophy won by Maja Kecskes (Warringah Archers).

Trophies will be awarded at the 2024 Archery NSW Presentation Night.

Any questions about the Series Rules of for further information please contact Tracey Hansford Youth Coordinator via email: [email protected]

2024 ArcheryNSW Presentation Night

The 2024 presentation night will be held on February 17, 2024 and recognises the achievements of our members in 2023. This will be held at Balgowlah RSL, 30- 38 Ethel Street, Seaforth New South Wales 2092.

Clubs can request to book a table; however, individual members will be required to register on-line, using the following link:

ArcheryNSW is in contact now with those members receiving awards on the evening.

Anyone who is unable to attend, we can accept your apologies, and their club will be able to pick up any associated awards at the conclusion of the event.